As we’ve wrote before, 2012 did not go our way. And with it, we were stuck with the job-killing train wreck known as Obamacare. We’ve seen the law stifle economic activity and eliminate jobs—now we’re left watching as the law simply doesn’t work at the most fundamental level, with an epically botched federal website that has no chance of success in the near future.
In that regard, ODP Spokesperson Jerid Kurtz was correct (did I just write that?): President Obama and his administration have shown zero ability to execute even the most rudimentary tasks—there’s no way they could put together a functioning healthcare exchange website.
Yes, as Jerid said, Lt. Governor Mary Taylor would have done a much, much better job. Because she has private sector experience. And she knows what actually happens in the real world. This kind of epic failure in the private sector would not only get you fired, it would likely get you sued.
Yet no one’s been fired, even after President Obama wasn’t briefed on the potential failings of the website?
Come on. A group of three techies built a functioning healthcare exchange site in three days. Our government wasted how many millions of our tax dollars and for what? Seriously, at least send us all a crummy T-Shirt.
But, as Jerid observed last week, we all knew Obama—with his lack of any private-sector experience—couldn’t deliver on an operational federal healthcare exchange. If it was going to work, it needed to be done by the individual states.
And that’s why Ohio made the right call when Gov. Kasich & Lt. Gov. Taylor opted to forego a state-based exchange last December:
Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor said Ohio plans to let the federal government run the new health insurance exchange required to be up and running in 2014…
Ohio officials would have until mid-February to submit a more detailed outline of what functions they want to retain as the feds step in to run the exchange in 2014, under the Affordable Care Act.
Gov. John Kasich had previously indicated that his administration was leaning that way and said in July that it would “probably” let the federal government run the exchange. His administration had estimated setting up the exchange would cost the state $43 million.
It didn’t take a genius to read the tea leaves on this one: Obamacare was set up to fail. Why saddle Ohio with $43 million in unnecessary costs just to attempt to bail President Obama out of his own mess?
While there’s more than a few reasons why Obamacare enrollment is incredibly off the mark, it should be noted that states like Ohio played a key role in drawing further attention to the glaring flaws in the President’s signature law. There is little doubt that these defects would have been apparent eventually, but with Ohio, and dozens of other states, holding firm against Obamacare, the failings became that much more evident.
And with Democrats abandoning the law—with some thinking that full repeal might be a distinct possibility—it’s easy to see that Ohio made the right call on Obamacare.
Tip of the hat to Taylor and all involved in making sure Ohio steered clear of the failing healthcare exchange.