From Jake Tapper’s blog on ABC:
In their first post-convention appearance, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gushed about his running mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with a story that doesn’t quite square with reality.
“You know what I enjoyed the most?” McCain said in Cederburg, Wisconsin, according to ABC News’ Bret Hovell. “She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on e-Bay. And made a profit!”
What a delightful story.
But it’s not true.
She didn’t sell the jet on eBay.
And she didn’t make a profit.
“The eBay thing didn’t work out very well,” Dan Spencer, director of administrative services for the Department of Public Safety, told the Anchorage Daily News last year.
It was “sold in August 2007 for $2.1 million to a Valdez, Alaska, entrepreneur — about $300,000 less than a broker’s asking price, according to press accounts.”
Seriously, Jake? This is the kinda ‘gotcha’ high school journalism crap you’ve been reduced to? Listen, I know she’s a big story these days and every word she says is going to be scrutinized. But to think THIS is a story in any way shape or form just screams desperation.
Fortunately, it’s this kinda crap that scored Sarah 40 million viewers on Wednesday night.
So please, keep it up, Jake.