Once upon an America – the federal government didn’t tell you how much health care you could afford – or how much your doctor would be paid – because you paid the doctor yourself. It worked.
Once upon an America – you could light your house with any light bulb you decided to buy; the federal government left the decision about lights between you and the companies who made the bulbs. It worked.
Once upon an America – the First Lady wouldn’t dare suggest what your child should eat; the President didn’t tell you that your mom should take a pain pill instead of getting a life-saving operation … but that was before government controlled more and more of the health care sector, provided food stamps, school breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Surprisingly, there was no obesity epidemic.
Once upon an America – nobody complained about holiday decorations, or where the American flag could be raised, or even wondered if “under God” was Constitutional. It worked.
Once upon an America – kids didn’t learn about sex in school; parents, teachers, and principals handled school bullies; kids graduated knowing how to read, write, and add; they could read their diplomas – which didn’t contain misspellings – and teachers weren’t more interested in union politics and political indoctrination than teaching. It worked.
Once upon an America – the government didn’t force banks to lend money to people who couldn’t pay it back. Real estate was a solid investment. It worked. So. How about now in America? Has liberalism worked?
Once upon an America – the government didn’t decide who was “too big to fail,” or too small to succeed; the people who bought things and used services decided all that. It worked.
Once upon an America – the government didn’t own car companies – or tell you which cars they’d like you to buy. In fact, some of the automobiles deemed classics today were manufactured by companies that ceased operating ages ago. It worked.
Once upon an America – we didn’t have to redefine what marriage was, what a family was, or what the meaning of the word “is,” is. It worked.
Once upon an America – birds tweeted, not perverted politicians; Presidents didn’t diddle interns; their spouses were proud of the country before their husbands were nominated; and the First Family’s preacher said “God bless America” instead of “G.D. America.” It worked.
Once upon an America – it was illegal to be here illegally; there were no sanctuary cities – only American cities. It worked.
Once upon an America – a government agency wouldn’t dare tell an American company in which state they had to locate their new assembly plant. They figured the business knew best. As they did – and still do.
Once upon an America – we were proud of our independence. From government. Because we could mange our own affairs quite nicely without government help. It worked. So how about now in America? Has liberalism worked?