Maybe if 12th Congressional District candidate and Franklin County Commissioner Paula Brooks lived in the district she wants to represent, she’d know their values.
A recent press release from the Ohio Right to Life Society smartly highlights how Brooks’ belief system has placed her in a position where any claims to “fiscal prudence” must be repudiated.
An October 14, 2009 Columbus Dispatch article indicated that Brooks voted to “squeeze” $50,000 out of the county budget for a grant to Planned Parenthood to teach sex education to Columbus kids. Brooks, at the time of the vote, indicated that Planned Parenthood had been a regular recipient of grants from the county.
Brooks’ campaign website claims that she has “a reputation for strong fiscal prudence.” However, if she thinks “squeezing” money out of a tight county budget to pay an abortion-provider to teach kids about sex is the best use of public funds while folks struggle to make ends meet, what will she do if she has a say about the huge federal budget?
Strategically speaking, this focus on fiscal irresponsibility is a smart tactic. Without question, this midterm election is first and foremost about the economy and government spending. That fact isn’t lost on ORTLS.
The ORTLS goes on to make sure we recognize the overreliance on taxpayer dollars for Planned Parenthood’s existence.
A recent General Accounting Office report indicated that six abortion-providing or promoting organizations received more than $1 billion in federal funding between FY 2002-2009. By far the most funding, $657.1 million, went to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates, who performed 305,310 abortions in 2007.
With its overeliance on government grants, Planned Parenthood might as well be a subdivision of Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services. Of course, I’m not quite sure where the destruction of life fits under that of HHS’ domain.
But it doesn’t end there.
A recent study brings up an important question of where these taxpayer dollars are going:
According to an American Life League review of Planned Parenthood’s annual reports, the organization received more than $2 billion in federal grants and contracts between 2002 and 2008. A June 16 Government Accountability Report, however, found that the organization spent just $657.1 million of taxpayer money in the same time period.
Or maybe since Paula Brooks is such a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood, she can look into it for us.