It’s common knowledge that MN Governor Tim Pawlenty has already organized a pretty impressive team of strategists to prepare him for a run for the Presidency in 2012.
I just wish these guys would fix his message.
A couple days ago, Pawlenty appeared on Fox to discuss what the Massachusetts Miracle means for Republicans. Pay special attention to the 1:15 mark.
Pawlenty says:
We have to be more than just opposing, now is a good time to start laying an affirmative and positive vision for the country, starting with health care.
Now is a good time to start? Governor, Republicans have been offering up alternatives. And plenty of them. Regurgitating the Democrat talking point that Republicans are the Party of No only damages the GOP brand.
Sure, it’s difficult to get your solutions heard by the media and the public when we’re so desperately in the minority, but they are solutions nonetheless.
Want a peek? Take a look at these solutions offered up by the House Republicans.
Pawlenty pushed this talking point a few weeks ago and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But this is now a pattern. Pick a side, Governor.