
Reactions to Kasich’s budget

“Today Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) commended Gov. John Kasich’s FY 2012-13 budget proposal, which eliminates an $8 billion hole without raising taxes. Relying on commonsense spending reductions and budgetary reforms, Gov. Kasich was able to balance Ohio’s books while reducing the personal income tax burden nearly $850 million.” -Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

“I am grateful to Gov. Kasich, whose proposed budget reflects the unquestionable financial challenges of the day, as well as the understanding that higher education and our state’s long-term strength are inextricably linked,” said Ohio State University President E. Gordon Gee.

University of Cincinnati President Gregory H. Williams
said the school is “very appreciative that Gov. Kasich’s proposed budget has done as much as possible to support higher education and suggests some first steps toward much-needed construction reform.”

Cathy Levine, executive director of the Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio, applauded the encouraging signs received so far that the focus of the budget ax will not fall first on dental, vision, podiatry, and other optional Medicaid services.

Of course, liberals are decrying ANY cuts to ANYthing, which is absurd, of course.  “Look at what they cut!”  Ted Strickland used stimulus funds, raised taxes, and robbed from other accounts to balance the current budget.

Without these funds, and being required to balance the budget, some things have to be cut.  Let the loons do their attacking and complaining.  They had their chance, left this state in a deep hole and now want to argue for staying with the status quo?  Ridiculous.

We’re moving forward, making no excuses and fixing this state.

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