I got a good laugh yesterday morning when I tweeted about Strickland’s new Communications Director and her first official quote in a major publication about her new boss.
The article focused on the Democrats that had already dropped out of their re-election campaigns – and who would be next. Strickland was one of the first names mentioned.
Near the top of the list of vulnerable Democratic incumbents are Iowa Gov. Chet Culver and Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.
Strickland, a former six-term congressman, has seen his popularity drop as the state grapples with a budget crisis and high unemployment. Still, his campaign is adamant he’s not dropping out.
“This wishful thinking on the part of national Republicans has absolutely no basis in reality. In the coming weeks, both President Obama and Vice President Biden will be in Ohio,” said Lis Smith, a spokeswoman for the governor’s campaign. “Rather than playing these political games, Governor Strickland remains focused on leading Ohio out of the worst economic recession in 70 years.”
Fortunately for Lis, the only people that read The Hill are pretty much everyone connected to politics in any way.
Uh oh.
Hmmmm…..so Strickland may drop out, eh?
That’ll do wonders for fundraising.