Obama’s ‘Dick Cheney’ pick just took his final bow. According to the Mississippi Sun Herald:
“Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama should not select former Sen. Sam Nunn to be his vice presidential running mate because of Mr. Nunn’s support for doing business with the terrorist state of Iran.
‘Sam Nunn voted to allow the General Electric Company to do business with Iran despite that the U.S. government had labeled Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism,’ said Tom Borelli of Action Fund Management, the investment adviser to the Free Enterprise Action Fund, a publicly-traded mutual fund. “Someone who supports doing business with an avowed enemy of the U.S. has no place in the White House,’ Borelli added.”
Obama recently mentioned he is looking for “somebody who can be a good president if anything happened to me. And I want somebody who can be a good adviser and counsel to me.”
So….you want your Dick Cheney. Sam Nunn was the best bet. A statesman. Well versed in foreign policy. The yin to your yang.
Annnnnd he does deals with Mahmoud Ahmadinutjob. Oops.
So who is left? Tom Daschle is probably the next safest bet. The former Minority Leader has the DC experience and his former staff is pretty much running the Obama campaign.
God help us all.