Real Genius fans rejoice:
“The US military will shortly issue a brace of contracts for ‘refrigerator sized’ laser blaster cannons. One of the deals will see a full-power ground prototype built which will be the final stage prior to America’s first raygun-equipped jet fighter. … If it scales down far enough, this would seem to put handheld HELL-guns within an order of magnitude of the striking power offered by conventional small-arms. A 9mm pistol bullet has about 750 joules muzzle energy: a 5kg portable HELL-ray weapon would put out this much energy in a blast less than a second long. … A dolphin can carry a human being weighing up to 100kg along for a ride. A thoroughbred shark in good training can surely match this. Thus, we seem to be looking at practicable head-[laser] output in the 20-kilowatt range.”