Mark Naymik of the Cleveland Plain Dealer is the latest to debunk false accusations against John Kasich.
Ohio Republican gubernatorial candidate John Kasich did not have special access to an investment he reported on his 1999 congressional financial disclosure statement.
The report – which Kasich’s gubernatorial campaign now says was filled out incorrectly – led one blogger to suggest Kasich had inside information.
A spokeswoman for Goldman Sachs told The Plain Dealer that nobody could have purchased shares in the fund early because they were not available until October. The spokeswoman said that mutual funds are sometimes marketed to investors before they go on sale but cannot be purchased early. She was still investigating whether the Internet Tollkeeper Fund was marketed early.
So, for those that have lost track, here’s the latest tally on the scorecard…
Dems: “John wasn’t involved in balancing the budget.” Dispatch: “Wrong.”
Dems: “John got a sweetheart deal on his house.” Plain Dealer: “Wrong.”
Dems: “Mary Taylor’s an absentee auditor.” Dispatch and Beacon Journal: “Wrong.”
Dems: “John bought funds early.” Plain Dealer: “Wrong.”
How many pieces of fake dog poop do the Dems have to keep throwing at the wall in hopes that they find something? Nothing is working.
Clearly, the Democrats are scared. Why else would they keep pushing lie after lie? They feel their only hope is to smear Kasich before he starts spending money on paid media and takes advantage of an electorate primed to oust Strickland.
Your desperation isn’t attractive, Dems. But considering the Governor you’re trying to save, I can’t say I blame you.