As I listen to the POTUS Channel on XM Radio to and from work, I’ve become more and more frustrated with Obama’s speeches as they are played start to finish. Nowhere but in conservative blogs do I hear of Obama’s new kind of politics caricature being called out.
My friends, Obama is as big a fraud as we’ve seen in national American politics. His lies and distortions relative to his call for substantive debate could not be more polar opposite of eachother. Fortunately, the New Hampshire Union Leader made this point much more eloquently than I ever could:
“In the past few weeks, Obama has thrown so many false accusations against John McCain that just keeping track of them has become difficult. And these aren’t innocent errors. They are deliberate distortions of the sort Obama has always said he reviles.
Obama’s greatest strength as a candidate, aside from his oratorical skill, has long been his apparent sincerity and decency. Voters attracted to him think of him as that rarest of things: an honest politician. He has claimed himself that he would never engage in the sort of deceptive politicking that he says has tainted Washington for so long.
Yet here he is violating his own professed standards. This is not the Barack Obama so many voters in New Hampshire and elsewhere thought they knew. But it is the real Barack Obama. For despite his rhetoric, he is in fact campaigning so dishonestly that even The Washington Post and The New York Times have called him on it. Which means that he is in practice no different from those regular politicians against whom his entire campaign has been built.”
Update: Nice to see the Washington Post getting in on the action.