It’s official. The Russian steel company that Strickland announced “with fanfare” in 2007, has decided to pull out of their deal.
Some questions need answered. When this deal was first announced, did Strickland’s Department of Development cease contact with the firm? Did they continue communication with MMK to help facilitate the process? What efforts did they make to encourage MMK to follow through?
This isn’t just a political embarrassment for Governor Strickland, this is a real-life disaster for the people of Scioto County. With an unemployment rate of 12.8%, this is the definition of a Jobs Crisis.
It’s so bad that NBC is going to Southeast Ohio to highlight the difficulties facing those hit hardest:
Next Sunday, July 25 “Dateline” debuts a new hour called “America Now: Friends & Neighbors.”
NBC News cameras spent nine months documenting how the recession has affected people in Southeast Ohio. Ann Curry spent time in the area interviewing the hardworking poor, who have deep traditions in mining, manufacturing and military service. The special examines how the “Great Recession” has affected America’s poor across the heartland.
The Appalachian region is Strickland’s bread and butter. And he failed them. Will they remember in November?