From a press release distributed by State Rep. Robert Mecklenborg, State Rep. Ron Maag, State Rep. Joseph Uecker, and State Rep. Danny Bubp:
With Ohio’s unemployment at 11 percent, House Republicans decried the partisanship and inactivity displayed by House leadership throughout this General Assembly.
“We all know that our state has been in an economic struggle for some time, and southwestern Ohio is not immune to the financial stresses Ohioans have faced across the state,” Rep. Robert Mecklenborg (R-Green Township) said. “If we’re going to bring jobs back to our constituents, House leadership must be willing to reach across the aisle and embrace innovative, effective solutions to our problems.”
While Ohio has lost 194,000 jobs in the past year alone, the Cincinnati metropolitan area saw unemployment rise to 10.9 percent in February 2010 – the highest rate since 2000.
“My colleagues and I in the legislature see the regrettable path Ohio’s economy has taken under this leadership, and we’ve proposed bill after bill to help solve increasing unemployment and out-of-control government spending,” Rep. Ronald Maag (R-Salem Township) said. “Ohioans deserve for our proposed legislation to have a chance on the House floor, and I urge my fellow lawmakers across the aisle to give us that chance.”