How stupid are Strickland’s critical thinkers? An article in Real Clear Politics highlighting Strickland’s embrace of Obama while others run shows just how stupid:
But Strickland recognizes that he will be tied to the White House no matter what, and the thinking in his campaign is that it would create more of a story if he were to conspicuously back away from Obama.
My. God.
Are College Democrats running this campaign? Talk about overthinking something.
You know what happened when Fisher was avoiding Obama earlier this year? Little blips in the Columbus Dispatch Daily Briefing blog that no average voter pays attention to.
Know what happens when Strickland and Obama appear together? Front page stories with the two pictured arm in arm.
The new Quinnipiac poll shows only 11%(!) of Ohioans and 7% of Independents would be more likely to vote for Strickland if he appeared with Obama. 36% overall and 36% of Independents would be less likely. The rest say they don’t care.
So what’s the best way strategy, Ted? A story hidden in an online newspaper blog about you avoiding the President, even though you may agree with him on many things, or a picture of you and the President on the cover of the Columbus Dispatch?
President Obama is due in Ohio again in mid-October for a rally. If Ted and Fisher were smart, they’ll say they have to wash their hair that day.