If there is one constituency that doesn’t like having their rights trampled upon, it’s supporters of the 2nd amendment.
And yet, that’s exactly what Strickland’s Ohio Democratic Party tried to do.
The Ohio Democratic Party tried unsuccessfully this week to get information on all people licensed to carry concealed weapons in the Buckeye State.
The state party sent letters to Ohio’s 88 sheriffs requesting the names and addresses of permit holders and the dates the licenses were issued. Ohio has about 211,000 permit holders.
But neither the Democrats nor any other political party can get that information. The records are exempt from the public record laws.
It’s bad enough that the ODP tried to skirt the privacy rights of Ohio’s gun owners. But what’s particularly insulting to their intelligence is this claim by ODP spokesman Seth Bringman:
The Democratic Party’s request had nothing to do with the NRA endorsement, Bringman said.
[cough] BULLS***!!! [cough]
Seth Bringman thinks gun owners are idiots.
Of COURSE it had to do with the NRA endorsement. They wanted the addresses of gun owners so they could send them literature promoting the endorsement. It really could not be more obvious.