The DNC has purchased radio advertising in 23 districts, thanking members of Congress for supporting health care reform or President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus package. The spots “will begin as early as [Wednesday] and run into next week,” according to a DNC release. Nineteen representatives are getting thank-yous on healthcare — four for supporting the stimulus.
Five of those districts are in Ohio: Driehaus, Kilroy, Boccieri, Space and Wilson.
Those are five vulnerable districts where money is being spent to reinforce those Members of Congress supported the stimulus and health care reform.
Interestingly enough, Quinnipiac found that Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling health care reform by a margin of 52-39. Among independents that margin was 44-35.
Rasmussen released a poll in late July that stated 67% of Americans believe the stimulus either hurt the economy or had no impact. 76% of Americans say it is at least somewhat likely that a large amount of money in the stimulus plan will be wasted due to inadequate government oversight.
And the DNC wants to pay millions to highlight these clearly unpopular issues in key swing districts? Seriously?
Somewhere Steve Chabot and Steve Stivers are smiling.