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Third Base Politics


That Massachusetts Senate Race

Conservatives are all up in a tizzy with hopes that Scott Brown can somehow beat Martha Coakley in the special election for Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat.

The latest Rasmussen poll had Coakley up by 9 in the drastically liberal state. Pretty amazing.

But two aspects of the crosstabs stood out to me.

Self-described Republicans and Conservatives disapprove of Brown by only 4% and 7%, respectively.

And yet, 24% of Republicans are voting for Coakley and 25% of Conservatives are going for the liberal. For comparison’s sake, in the most recent Rasmussen poll on the Ohio Guv race, only 4% of Republicans are voting for Strickland and only 16% of Conservatives.

Why? Great question. It’s so good that I’m not really sure of the answer. Most likely, it’s due to the fact that they don’t know enough about the guy. His star has flashed brightly and quickly, and it takes time for voters to digest enough about a candidate before they can commit to supporting him, especially in a unique race such as this.

If Brown wants to maintain any hope that he can win this thing, he needs to drastically improve those numbers in his own base, no matter how small it is up in Taxachusetts

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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