Even though I’m back home in Ohio this weekend, I’m learning about some interesting goings on back in Washington DC.
From a friend at his desk on Capitol Hill:
As you’re aware, we are voting today/tomorrow on the healthcare bill. Most DO/DC offices are open and taking calls, however it appears that so far Kilroy, Space and Driehaus are not open for business…may lead someone to believe that they’re trying to hide from their constituents or Democrats just don’t work on Saturdays.
Come on, Dems. Live up to the responsibilities your constituents entrusted in you. It’s the least you can do.
If you want to leave a message on their voicemails to let them know how you feel, you can reach them here:
Kilroy: (202) 225-2015
Space: (202) 225-6265
Driehaus: (202) 225-2216
Go get ’em, folks.
UPDATE: Well, I’ve been informed that Rep. Driehaus’ voicemail is full. Soooo that means they aren’t even checking to hear what their constituents have to say.
Does someone want to find Rep. Driehaus and read him his job description?
UPDATE II: Thanks to Campaign Spot and the House Republican Conference for linking to this post. Other state-centric bloggers reading this would do a service to their readers by checking out the swing voting Congressmen in their state to find out if they also decided to go AWOL on this very important day.