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Third Base Politics


The nail in the coffin?

The Washington Post is up with an editorial this morning that absolutely skewers Obamacare and the deficit projection being increased from $7.1 trillion to 9 trillion.

$1.9 trillion off.

That is just staggering.

But I digress.

Here is the key passage from the editorial:

The new deficit numbers make it even more urgent that any health-care reform not only be fully paid for and certifiably budget-neutral in the eyes of independent analysts such as the CBO but also promise meaningful reductions in the cost growth of health care. So far, none of the plans under discussion measure up. The time is fast approaching for the president and Congress to face that reality, too.

A column this harsh carries weight in Washington. And it will weigh particularly heavy on the minds of the decisionmakers on Capitol Hill.

And no renaming of the bill can help that.

I conclude not with words, but with a simple, glorious t-shirt:

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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