What a fantastic idea. Too bad politics is getting in the way.
Rep. Todd Snitchler of Lake Township is sponsoring a bill that’s worth pursuing. Ohio House Bill 65 would require the state auditor to conduct performance audits of most state agencies, some every two years.
Performance audits include recommendations for making government operations more efficient, thus saving taxpayers money. Who could argue with that? Well, there is political fallout in many a piece of innocent-looking legislation. Efficiency might mean eliminating jobs, and many state workers are unionized, and unions have a history of supporting Democrats and … get the picture?
Anyone shocked? Didn’t think so.
The Canton Repository column continues…
Snitchler, who represents the 50th House District, and fellow sponsor Peter Stautberg of Hamilton County are Republicans, but they can claim some bipartisan support for their bill.
Some but apparently not enough because they say in a press release that the bill “has sat idle in the Ways & Means Committee.”
They also point out that recent performance audits of Washington State government identified $4.1 billion in potential savings.
Considering that most references in Columbus to that much money over the past year have been to budget deficits — you get the picture.
Props to Snitchler and Stautberg. This is a winning issue. Now keep the pressure on.