Yet more polling has come out from PPP. This time was a straight up question of “400 usual Ohio Republican primary voters” and asking where they stand on the Senate and Presidential primaries.
Not surprisingly, the most well known Republicans do the best in each.
Here are the Senate numbers…
Only thing that really stood out to me is how Jim Jordan is only 1% behind Husted and 3% ahead of Taylor.
Pretty impressive for an unannounced candidate who doesn’t represent a major metropolitan area.
In fact, it was reported on twitter yesterday that Jordan is leaning strongly against running for Senate in ’12.
That’s a smart move. It tampers down expectations and encourages the focus to stay on Sherrod Brown. Ultimately, this will be a referendum election, and the longer the electorate focuses on the incumbent when things are bad, the better for the challenger.
The number that will surprise a few conservative activists? Among conservatives, DeWine leads with 26% of the vote. Blackwell is closest with 20%.
Here are the Presidential numbers…
Once again, the most well known candidates lead. Not surprising this far out.
Finally, there were also new numbers that came out on approval/favorability of Strickland, Kasich and Portman.
Ted Strickland is still in the dumps, coming in at 39/44 overall and 38/42 among Independents. But for the first time, Kasich is also underwater at 36/40 overall, and is even among Independents at 34/34. Now, to be fair, this poll was taken of registered voters rather than likely voters. As we’ve learned, that means it’s a little less friendly to Republicans. That said, Rob Portman is still enjoying positive numbers, coming in at 35/26 overall and 36/21 among Indies. Of course, it’s a lot easier to keep a positive image when you’re able to quietly head into the Senate.
Ultimately, all these poll numbers don’t mean much right now. And news organizations would be far better served if they ceased polling primary and general matchups altogether. After all, the only numbers that matter now are of incumbents up in ’12. They are the ones known to the general public and they are the ones upon whom there will be a referendum.
And it can’t get here soon enough.