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Third Base Politics


The Pressure is on Ohio Democrats…

There’s a new poll out that should have some targeted Ohio Democrats a little worried…

…the Susan B. Anthony List announced the results of a series of polls conducted in congressional districts by the polling company,inc/WomanTrend. The surveys asked registered voters about abortion funding and healthcare reform in the following members’ districts: Jason Altmire (PA-04), Paul Kanjorski (PA-11), Brad Ellsworth (IN-11), Baron Hill (IN-09), Steve Driehaus (OH-01), Charlie Wilson (OH-06), Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), and John Boccieri (OH-16).

The most important question asked was the following…

Would you be (ROTATED) more likely or less likely to vote to re-elect Congressman/Congresswoman ______ this year if (s)he votes for healthcare legislation that includes federal government funding of abortion?

The results?

Driehaus – 55% less likely
Wilson – 64%(!!!) less likely
Kaptur – 47% less likely
Boccieri – 62% (!!!) less likely

Driehaus is pretty much doomed already in his race against Chabot, but this poll indicates an easy push over the edge if he votes for the bill. Both Wilson and Boccieri are in similar situations, and these poll results have to give them pause. Kaptur looks to be on safe ground, but who knows in this political environment.

Want to vote for HCR? Fine. But we’ll be needing those office keys back in a few months.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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