When will this horrible recession be over? According to one surprising source, it’s over right now.
The source is Robert J. Gordon, an acclaimed macroeconomist and professor at Northwestern University. It’s surprising to learn he thinks the recession is over, because he is one of seven members of the elite Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Analysis . These are the people who decide officially, for the record books, when recessions begin and end—usually many months after the fact, when the decision is really obvious.
Since the Stimulus Shit Sandwich was designed to pull us out of the recession, it’s safe to say we can cut off the spending immediately, right?
After all, as of today approximately $101 billion of the appropriated amount has been obligated – in other words, only 12.8%. Since we’re not in the recession anymore, it would make perfect logical sense to hold off on spending the rest and practicing just a weeee little bit of fiscal discipline.
Think of it this way, how do you think it would go over if our Democrat-led Congress came to the American people after a recession and said, “hey, would you mind if we spent $686 billion of your taxpayer dollars?”
Wouldn’t make much sense, now would it?
So, let’s just call it all off and save our future one helluva headache.
Yes, I know it won’t happen, but one can dream.