Last night on Twitter some folks had a little fun guessing what Governor Strickland will say after, “the state of the State is…” in his speech this afternoon.
Here are some of the highlights:
- The state of our State is… LOOK, A SQUIRREL!!
- The state of our State is…did I mention this wasn’t my fault? Seriously, guys.
- The state of the State is…czzt…chhk…chhhk…mic..chhk…broken…
- The state of the State is… OMG did you guys see Jack Bauer take out that terrorist last week w/ the ax?
- The state of the State is…:throws up:…:starts crying:
- The state of the State is….CHERRY JELLO PARTYYYYY!!!
- The state of our State is…………………….*chirp, chirp, chirp*
- The state of the State is… what do I care, I’m out of a job in 11 months, just like everyone else.
- The state of our State is… Pour me a drink, please.
- The state of the State is… look at all these lights! Anyone like shadow puppets?!
- The state of our State is…Ter *cough* ri *cough* ble *cough*
- The state of the State is…. so much better with the SOLID GOLD DANCERS! :cue music:
- The state of the State is… AWESOME!…:silence:…. ok, you’re not buying that, eh?
- The state of our State is… Hey! Pull my finger…
- The state of our State is…I just want everyone to know I’m on Team Coco!
- The state of our State is what? The state is who? The State is whickey whicky Slim Shady!
- The state of our State is…and now I’d like to announce my candidacy for Ohio Auditor. Thank you.
- The state of the State is… [this speech is postponed pending federal bailout]
- The state of our State is… “Mission Accomplished!”
In all seriousness, it’s my hope that Governor Strickland offers more than a “campaign speech”, as the media has implied. Ohio deserves more than that.
In numbers released yesterday, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels received a 70% approval rating, despite unemployment numbers only 1 point below Ohio’s. Meanwhile, Strickland’s job approval stands at a measly 43%. Why the massive difference? Because Daniels has refused to give in to calls for tax hikes, he’s worked to change how government is run in Indiana, and he’s made the difficult decisions necessary to ensure his State is ready to spring out of the gates. All things Strickland has refused to do.
We’re watching Governor. After three miserable years, have you finally learned what leadership is about?