Below is the now famous video of Major Booker’s testimony in front of the Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee.
It’s followed by what I believe to be the key moments of the hearing, broken down by location in the video.
If you’ve not been following this developing scandal, this will provide you a good opportunity to get caught up.
Major Robert W. Booker Jr. provides testimony to the Ohio Senate Judiciary – Criminal Justice Committe, March 24, 2010 from Old Guard Productions on Vimeo.
@17:53: ‘In 33 years I’ve never seen this sort of effort to downscale a criminal investigation’.@20:20: Safety claim is an insult to troopers who face far more danger daily.
@32:08: First testimony on the illegal workers investigation, this is where the Dispatch got the “never happened before” quote. It’s where Markus had met with lobbyist Tom Fries. There is detailed testimony about extensive attempts to get details in an ongoing investigation.
@36:28: The result of this policy is like having firemen at a burning home need permission from the landlord to enter the house and save people.
@38:58: Discussion on policy keeping investigators from direct communication with prosecutors, Booker is told comply or resign.
@46:24: Detail on new policy forbidding criminal investigation by the patrol unless directed by the Governor’s Chief Legal Counsel.
@48:20 is a clip on inmates having access to the 2nd floor of the Governor’s residence and Highway Patrol officers being restricted to the first floor. This is crucial because it shoots a huge hole in the Strickland office contention that safety was the issue behind shutting down the drug bust, there is a daily safety hazard with inmates potentially able to overpower the Governor or First Lady.
So there you have it – The testimony under oath of a devoted and loyal state trooper to the state of Ohio. A man who has worked under both Republicans and Democrats. A man with no motivation to perjure himself. Believe him, or believe the politician.