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Third Base Politics


What if….

The media has been awfully sweet to the repeated appointment failures of the Obama Administration. It makes one wonder how the media would have reacted to similar such failures had McCain won…

Reality: Daschle withdraws as nominee for HHS secretary

If only…: McCain HHS Nominee Withdraws, Eats Baby


Reality: Official: Performance czar withdraws candidacy

If only…: GOP Performance Czar Quits, Smells Like Cheese — Palin Blamed


Reality: Bill Richardson bows out of commerce secretary job

If only…: GOP Commerce Appointee Imitates French & Surrenders, Is Total & Complete Sissy


Reality: Geithner apologizes for not paying taxes

If only…:
GOP Treasury Appointee Cheats America, World, Universe — God’s Revenge Inevitable


Yeah, that sounds about right.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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