Besides her introduction as Governor Strickland’s running mate and her bio, from what I can see there is no mention of her on the campaign website.
Google News stories yield no results.
A regular google search comes up empty of any substantive events or news stories since the campaign kickoff.
Meanwhile, Kasich running mate and Ohio Auditor Mary Taylor’s name is mentioned in five stories just on the Kasich campaign’s blog. Additionally, news stories about her can be found here, here, and here. She’s also been following the Kasich strategy of energizing the GOP activists early in the campaign by going to speak to County Lincoln Day dinners.
But Yvette McGee Brown? Nothing. At least nothing that I can find. I’m sure she is working behind the scenes on the phones trying to raise dollars for the campaign. But beyond that, what else is she doing to promote her running mate’s re-election?
It’s an honest question. If anyone has seen anything or heard of anything that I’m missing, please feel free to leave a comment!