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Third Base Politics


"Where’s your Moses now?"

I won’t bore you with a summary of last night’s speech. If you read this blog, you’ve likely read plenty about it already or watched it yourself.

And one thing is clear – the sheeple have lost their shepherd.

Of all demographics that make up the electorate, the few that haven’t seen a drastic drop in support of the President have been African-Americans and those that identify themselves as Democrats or progressives.

In other words, America’s left.

If you had asked these same people a year ago if they could ever imagine Barack Obama following a similar strategy to President Bush by implementing a surge in Afghanistan, they’d think you were crazy. Any liberal who says otherwise is fooling themselves.

This isn’t who they voted for.

And yet, while abandoning the left, Obama has also found a way to completely tick off the middle and right by going about the surge strategy in an incredibly obtuse way.

By announcing an exit strategy that will be completed just in time for the 2012 general election to start revving up, he has enabled the enemy in a way far beyond any logical comprehension.

Think of it in a way similiar to how 3BP contributor Union Station discussed:

If your local police force announced they were permanently evacuating a high crime area in 24 hours, how likely is it that the criminals would continue breaking the law until after that deadline? They wouldn’t. Instead, they’d sit tight and wait for the fuzz to head out before raising hell.

Now imagine if those criminals are instead religious fanatics who feel they are destined to further their cause of expanding Islam throughout the world? Think they’d go headfirst into the beast? No, they’d relax their efforts and wait until their enemy had voluntarily left.

In other words, it’s without question that we’ll see a decrease in enemy activity as the surge is implemented through our complete withdrawal.

But once we’re gone? Ka-boom.

As I mentioned on twitter yesterday, does anyone think FDR had a timeline for an exit strategy?

Didn’t think so.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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