Back in September I took an in-depth look at the September Quinnipiac poll of the Ohio Governor’s race. In it, I discussed the challenge Kasich faces in regards to his lack of name ID relative to Governor Strickland.
In concluding the post, I wrote the following:
The Kasich formula for victory over the next nearly 14 months is simple: 1) Define yourself before Ted Strickland does it for you; 2) Increase name recognition and build confidence among the base and Independents by providing common sense solutions to what ills Ohio; 3) Target Democrats and Independents to reinforce their perception of Strickland’s failures.
For this post, I’d like to focus on #1, “Define yourself before Ted Strickland does it for you.”
For Kasich, it’s one of the most challenging aspects of the campaign. There are three ways to increase name ID. Grassroots(read: door-to-door/phone calls/social media) efforts, earned media, and paid media. Grassroots is done by implementing a massive effort among GOP activists. Earned media is done by getting your name in the papers. Paid media is done by picking just the right time to invest some of your hard-earned fundraising dollars on TV, mail, and other media.
In other words, it’s complicated.
With that in mind, you’d assume the Ohio Democratic Party would be aggressively working to define Kasich to the electorate first.
Not so much.
At least if you look at their website.
In both their blog and Latest News section, Kasich is mentioned a grand total of two times since November 9th. For some reason they seem to have wiped everything prior to 11/9.
Twice. In nearly two months.
Now, I hate to give the Ohio Democrats advice here, but this just seemed too amazing to not mention.
Defining an opponent to the voting public before he has a chance to define himself is a very simple campaign tactic.
The only semi-rational reason I can imagine for them to keep quiet is because they’ve seen polls showing Kasich has a low name ID and they don’t want to help him out any.
Well, in the latest Rasmussen poll, Kasich’s name ID still isn’t too great and he’s up by 9 on the Governor.
Come on, Chairman Redfern. Step it up.