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Third Base Politics


Why is Lee Fisher hiding?

Some interesting stuff came from yesterday’s morning show on 1330-AM in Findlay.

Well, actually it’s what didn’t happen that was the real story.

Skip to 6:10 on this link to hear the following:

Not sure exactly what happened to Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher. Of course we mentioned not only the current Lieutenant Governor and candidate for US Senate seat now being held by Sen. George Voinovich was scheduled to be with us on the program in this half hour. [HE was] scheduled to be with us to talk about his campaign and the key issues he saw in terms of the important stuff for Ohio moving forward especially in this period of economic recovery.

We were planning on talking to him about that in this half hour but nothing, not sure what happened. We did confirm yesterday that he was supposed to be with us and then this morning nothing.

So not sure exactly what’s going on there. Hopefully we can reschedule and maybe get the Lieutenant Governor on the program yet this week because one of the things I wanted to ask him about was this health care vote in Washington. He wants to go to the Senate so wanted to ask where he stood on this whole health care debate that seems to be coming to a head this week.

Actually, to be honest, this was rescheduled from a time last week. He was supposed to be on the schedule last week and unfortunately we had to reschedule.

Maybe he’s hiding under the same desk where the Governor is trying to duck the $8 billion deficit question.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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