So when you yank requirements for big labor, costs of public projects go down?
Who woulda thunk it?
In a final slap to the face of the evil Richard Murray of the OSFC, we have this bit of good and completely unshocking news:
Construction bids at the state schools for the deaf and blind came in 22 percent below bids that were rejected this summer, and one group says it’s because workers are no longer required to be union.
The lower bids for dormitories come after design changes and a less-competitive construction environment, which drove up the state’s cost estimate 10 percent, an official said.
The Ohio School Facilities Commission solicited bids in July to build new dormitories at the Ohio State School for the Deaf and the Ohio State School for the Blind, but contractors’ proposals came in 46 percent over projections.
Nonunion construction companies said a “project labor agreement” that mandated union labor caused the overruns. The agreement had been ordered by commission Executive Director Richard Murray, a former union official who was the focus of a critical inspector general’s report this summer for his dealings promoting unions.
So you remove PLAs and costs shrink for taxpayers? Amazing.
I think we may be onto something here…