The office of Ohio Congressman Pat Tiberi e-mailed me this morning. They wanted to share their frustration about the lack of mainstream coverage a major aspect of the comprehensive health care legislation was receiving.
Obama has been quoted as saying, “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”
No, you can’t. And Congressman Tiberi wants you to take a look for yourself.
He has made a daily ritual of saying “If you like what you have you can keep it.” It’s not true. If you like what you have, you can’t keep it. We see that it in the bill on page 16 and 17 of the bill.
“This commissioner gets to tell employers, if you don’t meet the guidelines and mandates of the exchange, the minimum coverage, then you have to change your insurance to meet guidelines that this new government bureaucrat decides.”
You can listen to a full interview with Tiberi about the subject here.
The Congressman is doing the right thing. He’s using his bully pulpit the way each Congressman should in their home district. Get on the radio. Sit down for an interview with an editorial board. Make sure voters understand what they’re Congress is getting them into.
As I’ve said before on 3BP, it is cynicism that will turn the tide against the President. When the vote comes to the floor next week, let’s hope there’s plenty of it.