Yes, we are the home of nutjob and part-time Wiggle, Dennis Kucinich. However, we can certainly be proud of our GOP delegation. Not only do we count the Speaker among our members, but our guys are among the most conservative as well.
A study released last week by National Journal magazine in Washington lists four Republicans from Ohio among the 10 most-conservative members of the U.S. House.
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Urbana, earned a tie for first by voting the conservative position 95 percent of the time on 93 key House votes last year. He was followed by Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Loveland, with 94.5 percent; House Speaker John Boehner, R-West Chester, with 94.2percent; and Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, with 94 percent.
Boehner’s votes came when he was minority leader. As speaker now, he rarely votes.
It will also come as no surprise that we also have the most liberal Senator.
The same survey rated (Sherrod) Brown as tied with eight other senators for the most-liberal voting record of 2010, at 83.3 percent.
We have work to do in 2012, people.
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