Remember “Bringing Back Awesome”? As we shared with you last week, it was a statewide promoted rally for “We Are Ohio” that fell hilariously and embarrassingly flat. They claimed they had 25,000 people there. But they obviously lied, because their own photos show no more than a few hundred.
Well, yesterday, “We Are Ohio” held another rally to voice their opposition to reasonable reforms in Ohio’s collective bargaining laws. Guess how many people showed up for it?
Three. No, I don’t mean three hundred. I mean…THREE.
Organizers of the “We are Ohio” rally held Thursday at the Hancock County Courthouse had to be disappointed with the turnout. Only three people showed up.
One of the three people who showed up was even asked to speak…er, to the other two?
Barbara Kodor, administrative secretary for Findlay city Schools, was a little taken back Thursday, when she was asked to speak.
“I really just came here to listen,” she said.
Maybe “We Are Ohio” needs to stop holding rallies. They are embarrassing themselves.
UPDATE: Check out the comments and audio from 2 of the 3 people at the rally.
Barb Kodor, a secretary for Findlay City Schools says the law will mean teachers will have to contribute more to health insurance and retirement.
Uh, yeah, Barb. But still not as much as most everyone else. So how is it unfair, again?