In a previous postI discussed Governor Kasich’s plan to cut income taxes and why conservatives should view this is a win.
Need more evidence? Today the Buckeye Institute, Ohio’s pre-eminent conservative free market think tank, posted an article on their site praising the Governor’s tax plan.
The highlight of this article;
…Kasich appears to be proposing a system that holds harmless, or actually lowers taxes, both small energy producers and small businesses while broadening the tax base for larger companies, helping local communities and taking steps toward lowering the income tax. If these details hold true, this is a proposal that deserves serious consideration. (emphasis added)
The Buckeye Institute recognizes the importance of lowering the tax burden on all Ohioans. They acknowledge that Kasich’s plan is doing something “really important” by lowering your taxes and they encourage “serious consideration” of this measure.
Conservative legislators would be smart to get on board and back Kasich’s plan. This is an opportunity to do the right thing by lowering taxes on their constituents and prove that they aren’t in the pockets of big oil lobbyists.
All conservatives should be proud of Governor Kasich’s efforts to return over $1 billion to the taxpayers who should be the ones deciding where and how their money is being spent.
Ultimately this is a win for Ohio taxpayers, a win for conservatives and one more step in the right direction for our recovering economy.
In this article: