Remember the post about the Wisconsin Supreme Court election?
Turns outs a certain Wisconsin county election board reported the wrong numbers to the press, which shortchanged Prosser…by over 7000 votes.
Allahpundit says it best: The greatest press conference of all time.
Prosser, 68, was down by a mere 204 votes in the initial statewide vote count from Tuesday’s election, and a recount was expected. But on Thursday, Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said not all of her county’s votes had been reported on Tuesday due to “human error.” The revised numbers gave Prosser a boost of more than 7,000 votes.
Be sure to click the link to Hot Air above to find more hilarious links, like Michael Moore’s reactions on Twitter. Gold, Jerry. Gold!
I wouldn’t want to be a dog living in a public sector union household in Wisconsin tonight.
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