Take a look at a recent email from Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern.
Dear Supporter,
Republicans will do anything to kill our momentum going into 2012.Today Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted certified for this November’s ballot the Tea Party effort to deny Ohioans access to affordable health care. They know that Ohioans are appalled at the extremist tactics of Republicans ever since they took office in January, and they are desperately trying to resurrect a political fight based on lies and distortions.
But the truth is simple: Tea Party Republicans are trying to hijack November because they’ve seen regular Ohioans rise up against their attacks on the middle class, women’s rights, voting accessibility.
I see that Redfern still has diarrhea of the mouth. This ridiculous email is so laden with low hanging fruit, that I don’t know where to begin.
First off, notice how he implies that “Republican Secretary of State” Jon Husted chose to certify the Health Care Freedom Amendment, based on partisan grounds. Hey Chris, it’s Ohio law. If you collect enough signatures, you can put a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot. Husted’s only choice is to follow and execute the law. Just like he followed and executed the law in putting YOUR ballot initiative up for vote. The further implication that John Husted is a “tea-party Republican” is also preposterous.
Second, there is nothing in Issue 3 that denies health care to anybody. The proposed amendment would simply state that you cannot be forced by the government to buy health insurance, and cannot be fined or punished for not doing so. That’s all the amendment states. Redfern knows this, and is intentionally lying.
Third, Democrats have momentum heading into 2012? Really? Today’s Gallup tracking poll has President Downgrade at 40% approval, his lowest ever. That’s momentum? Obama is already writing off Ohio as a loss in 2012, and Redfern says they have momentum? Hysterical.
Finally, and this is the most amazing one, Captain Redfern says that the Tea Party only put Issue 3 on the ballot in response to the unions getting Issue 2 on the ballot.
Chris, let me ask you something. Are you a moron? Or do you just take your supporters for morons by telling them this in your email to them? Seriously. Because you know darn well that the real grassroots effort to collect enough signatures to put the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment on the ballot, started in early 2010.
We started collecting signatures MONTHS before John Kasich was elected Governor, and over a year before Senate Bill 5 was even passed in the first place. The two issues have nothing to do with each other. You must really think that the supporters on your email list are stupid.
I seriously do not understand how Redfern still has a job.