When Building a Better Ohio released the “Life or Death” ad it threw liberals into a fury. Their outrage and controversy wasn’t a claim that the ad was inaccurate. Instead, “We Are Ohio” and their union backers argued that the use of footage from their own ad was unlawful. They threatened stations that running the ad could leave them legally liable and even “cause the loss of a station’s license”.
But legal experts have now weighed in, and they say Building a Better Ohio had every right to use footage from the “Zoey” ad:
Professors at Ohio State University Moritz College of Law say the woman thrust herself into the public debate by appearing in the ad, making her a “limited-use” public figure.
That gives groups the right to use her image in relevant advertising.
I have to believe “We Are Ohio” had their own legal experts telling them essentially the same thing, so why the threats and hysterics over the ad? As has been true from day 1, they don’t want you to know the truth about Issue 2.
One of the left’s favorite arguments against Issue 2 has been that its passage would adversely impact the ability of safety forces to do their jobs. What makes the “Life or Death” ad so effective is that it shows the exact opposite is true. Local governments need Issue 2’s reforms to rein in costs without being forced to lay off the employees who protect us.
Marlene Quinn entered the public debate on Issue 2 telling Ohioans about how firefighters saved her great-granddaughter. She’s rightly concerned for their safety and the safety of all, but what the “Life or Death” ad shows is that the real danger lies in maintaining the status quo.
See the ad liberals have so desperately fought to keep off the air,
then go out and Vote Yes on Issue 2.