For over 3 years now, the Obama administration and its allies have attempted to boast about the number of “saved or created” jobs they are responsible for. Today, some evidence of a Team Obama program that actually stimulates job growth came to light courtesy of BuzzFeed. In this story, McKay Coppins highlights how Obama’s campaign and their union boss allies are paying people to protest at Romney events.
The labor front group “Good Jobs Now” sent about 15 “volunteers” out to heckle a Romney event in Michigan today. Traveling on a chartered bus, they were a small gang of self-described “concerned citizens”. But the only thing they seemed to be concerned with was making some easy money.
“two protesters said they were getting paid to stand outside of the rally, though their wage is unclear: one said she was getting $7.25 per hour, while another man said they were being paid $17 per hour.”
As usual, the liberal “grassroots” effort was AstroTurf purchased in a classified ad. But this effort raises a couple of questions about the hiring practices of the big labor unions.
Democrats love to talk about the need for a “living wage” for everyone, guiding by the illogical notion that dramatically raising the minimum wage can occur without resulting in fewer jobs and/or high inflation. It’s even the “featured post” on Good Jobs Now’s website. Yet the first protester said she was making $7.25 an hour for her time. Not only is that not a ‘living wage’, it’s 15 cents less than Michigan’s current minimum wage.
But maybe the root of that problem is something far more insidious, something liberals have been warning us about for years. Only the female protester was being paid $7.25 per hour. When Coppins went to one of the male protesters, he was told that the pay was $17 per hour.
The so-called gender wage gap has always been a disputed issue, but now there can be no question. With the female protester making 43 cents on the dollar of her male counterpart for the same work in Michigan today, the discrimination at hand is clear. It is time for women everywhere to be protected from the misogynistic wage scale of union-backed ‘Good Jobs Now’, and I call on the organization to institute equal pay for equal work!
With the words of today’s hecklers as evidence, it seems quite likely that some or all of these other groups of “concerned citizens” demonstrating against Mitt Romney are nothing more than paid stooges for Obama and labor union’s cause. So if you happen to see them at any events in the next few months just ignore them and let them carry on. After all, no one likes being disturbed when they’re at work.