Earlier this week on Monday, we told you about how Vice President Joe Biden was holding a fundraiser during his visit to the Columbus area. 3BP reported this information before any of the media did.
GLHS just happens to be the alma mater of yours truly, so its pretty exciting to see my old high school get a visit from a sitting Vice President. I might even say that it’s a “big f-ing deal”, but for the fact that Joe Biden is such a buffoon, that even Barack Obama must wish that he had chosen someone else to be his “foreign policy expert”.
However, what is not being reported is Biden’s other appointment on Thursday. The White House doesn’t want you to know, but Third Base Politics has learned that Biden will attend a private fundraiser in downtown Columbus that same evening.
Only on Thursday, the day of Biden’s visit, did Ohio newspapers finally mention the fundraiser Biden was in town to attend.
In emails, the Ohio GOP and Republican National Committee say Biden’s trip has a political purpose — he’ll also attend a private fundraiser at the Athletic Club of Columbus on Thursday evening to raise money for Obama’s re-election campaign.
I initially assumed that the White House wanted to keep the fundraiser on the hush-hush so that it would look like he actually came to town just to talk to the students, (which was really just another campaign event, anyway.)
But information from the Dispatch’s Joe Vardon actually makes me think there was another reason.
Seriously? The Vice President of the United States traveled to a swing state and could only draw 40 people, and raised a measly $40,000?
Yeah. I wouldn’t want people to know about that, either.