This past Monday Democrats and their union boss allies used Labor Day to denounce any and all voices that disagree with them, particularly the Tea Party. For all the airy rhetoric of a “New Tone” in politics after the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and others in Arizona, liberals still have an anything goes mentality toward conservatives, a mentality displayed by Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa.
At the Labor Day event in Detroit, with none other than President ‘Zero Jobs Added’ Barack Obama just feet away, Hoffa told the crowd that war had been declared on workers by the Tea Party before saying this:
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of b****es out and give America back to an America where we belong
Hoffa’s words are incendiary, but of course he’s a major union leader, not an elected official after all. Surely no political figure on the left would violate the gospel of New Tone.
Except of course for the Vice President.
You are the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates.
These moments from Monday are just a continuation of the same liberal rhetoric that claims Tea Partiers want to see blacks hanging from trees and wants the same people to go straight to hell. When confronted with such incendiary comments, the White House and DNC can’t be bothered to do so much as question the word choice of Hoffa and the rest. All press secretary Jay Carney can be bothered to say is that Hoffa speaks for himself.
So much for that call for unity by Obama.