You’ve probably seen this already, but I’m posting it anyway. The GOP needs to get Paul Ryan in front of the camera talking about the deficit issue as much as they can. He knows it inside and out, can debate it with the other side coherently, and do it without appearing overly partisan.
Ryan is a genuine leader. And I believe he genuinely wants to address this issue in a bipartisan manner. Unfortunately, the President is still kicking the can down the road and not getting serious about the “most predictable financial disaster in the history of this country.”
I honestly wish the Democrats would get serious about this issue. Even though a successful plan that makes our entitlements solvent could propel Obama to a second term, which makes me cringe, I think its that important that we tackle this debt bomb.
The Democrats don’t have anybody this serious about the issue, and certainly nobody who is willing to stand toe-to-toe with Ryan. He is driving the issue right now. Please listen, Mr. President.