Gravis Marketing has published a new poll and it contains bad news for Governor John Kasich. It appears that his approval rating has taken a huge hit as a result of his weeks-long 2020 book tour out of state, combined with his insufferable preaching about how he was the only reasonable alternative to Trump.presidential campaign
Kasich’s approval in Ohio is now down to 42%. Compare that to 50s at various points in 2016 and record high 60s in 2015.
The same poll found President Trump at 49% approval in Ohio.
Kasich’s faltering approval in Ohio could be due to several factors, including:
- The jobs Kasich promised for years never arrived. The governor loves to talk about all the jobs regained since the recession, but he always implies that those are part of an “Ohio Miracle”. Its a lie, because every state in the union has regained jobs since then. But under Kasich’s leadership, Ohio’s job growth can’t even outperform the national average.
- Kasich is now a part-time governor, flying all over the country to do interviews about his book and telling an adoring media how he is the only reasonable Republican left. In fact, he is literally “phoning it in”.
From Darrell Rowland: “These phones do work all the way back to Ohio,” Kasich told The Dispatch in — yes — a phone interview on his way to a CNN appearance Monday in New York City. He noted his next call was with his budget director, Tim Keen.
- His enormous ego is now on full display. From the same Dispatch interview, Kasich said,
“I think I helped Ohio when I ran for president. People are proud of Ohio. They learned a lot about Ohio,” Kasich said. “The message that I have I think is a very good message and a very positive message for the country,” he said. “And I don’t think it should be just confined to the state of Ohio.”
Reminiscent of Barack Obama, there are a lot of Is in that statement. The governor wants us to believe that he doesn’t need to be in Ohio doing his job, because getting his message out to the country is more important. The country needs John Kasich so bad, you see. Never mind that he had a chance to do that for months during his presidential campaign. People didn’t want to hear it then, so why would they want to hear it now?
More narcissistic is his assertion that people are now proud of Ohio because of him.
Other tidbits in the poll are that Josh Mandel has a slight lead, 45/42 over Senator Sherrod Brown, whereas Congressman Pat Tiberi is slightly behind Brown at 41/43.
Attorney General Mike Dewine is leading the pack of candidates in the primary to succeed Kasich. DeWine registers at 31% with Secretary of State Jon Husted at 14%, Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor at 10% and Congressman Jim Renacci at 6%. 40% are uncertain.
Even more wide open is the Democratic primary. Connie Pillich, Joe Schiavoni and Betty Sutton are all declared candidates, but they are all bunched around 10% with 2/3 of Dem voters undecided. There is also speculation that Rich Cordray will enter the race.