Mr. Obama defended the debt package as “responsible” in paying down the national debt and added that it’s “not going to dismantle our social safety net.” He also took a jab at Republicans, remarking, “I give the other side credit. They are single-minded in their focus in wanting to cut programs and shrink government.“
While the debate over the debt limit may have discouraged his supporters, particularly progressives, the president said during his fundraising events that the struggle proved just how important the next election is.
“We’ve already seen over the last week just how different the two visions are in terms of which direction we should take the country,” Mr. Obama said in a video teleconference with supporters. “This is really important moment in our history.”
So they don’t slip past, I’ve put two honest quotes from the president in bold. Things to keep in mind, as Obama and his campaign team shrug off crushing deficits in an attempt to blame conservatives for America’s credit downgrade:
- President Obama believes it reflects poorly on conservatives that we want “to cut programs and shrink government.” Is there anyone left who believes President Obama has an answer for anything that’s not more spending and bigger government?
- CBS notes that Progressive supporters of President Obama are especially troubled by the lack of tax hikes in the debt ceiling deal. At this point, are there any non-Progressives who support President Obama?
As the president says, there are two distinct visions for America’s future. Obama sees no reason for budgets, no cause for entitlement reform, simply excuses to wring job creators a little drier in support of limitless government. The other vision – best argued by Congressman Ryan and Senator Rubio – would draw a path that doesn’t end with America at the foot of a cliff.
Follow me on Twitter: @jasonahart
Cross-posted at that hero and Columbus Tea Party.