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Third Base Politics

Jason Hart


A week ago today a friend sent me a link to a Third Base Politics post which announced, while discussing Governor Kasich’s plan to...


A conservative in Ohio has no shortage of union-funded foes, so I try to avoid arguments with friends. But I want to note that...


Here’s my latest Sherrod Brown video for Big Government – it’s a montage! Check out Sunday’s post at for my delightful color commentary.

Uncategorized started as a series of pie charts and turned into something much bigger.  Here’s why! Promising the moon and hoping no one will...


A quick response to Bytor’s entry about the first Sherrod Brown campaign ad of the cycle, if you’ll indulge me. The recent plunge in...


As Bytor just noted, Kevin DeWine has submitted his resignation as Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party: DeWine, 44, has prepared a letter to...


If you’ve followed the recent head-butting between Governor Kasich and Ohio Republican Party (ORP) Chairman Kevin DeWine, you know Tuesday was not DeWine’s day....

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


Third Base Politics