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Third Base Politics


Republicans don’t need these kinds of candidates

Ohio’s 9th congressional district (the “Snake on the Lake”) is a gerrymandered district created by the Republican dominated Ohio legislature. Nobody disputes this. Across the country, both parties use gerrymandering to give themselves an advantage by packing as many of the opposing party’s voters into as few districts as possible. It’s a practice as old as American democracy. Currently, it has resulted in Republicans holding 12 of the 16 congressional districts here in Ohio.


The downside is that those four Democratic districts are completely unwinnable, especially in the 9th. Marcy Kaptur beat “Joe the Plumber” by 50 points in 2012. 50 points. Unwinnable.

And when you have an unwinnable district, you don’t get serious, quality candidates to run in them. Why would a good candidate put in the work and waste their time? Often, when you DO get candidates to run, they are awful candidates. Nowhere is that more true than now in the 9th district.

Meet Richard May. He faced Robert Horrocks in the primary. Neither man is a quality candidate. May won the primary and will face Marcy Kaptur in November. And Marcy will win by 50 points again.

The issue I have with Richard May, however, is what motivated him to place his name on the ballot in the first place.

You see, Robert Horrocks is openly gay, and several people in the know within Cuyahoga County have said that May decided to run because he couldn’t stand the thought of a gay man representing the Republican Party. Even in a district we can never win anyway.

The Toledo Blade also reports that May entered the race because of Horrocks’ homosexuality.

Robert Horrocks, Jr., a gay man who is advocating for new trade rules to protect American workers, is vying with Richard May of Cleveland, a Tea Party candidate who is running primarily to keep an openly gay man off the GOP ticket.

The popular left-wing blog Plunderbund uncovered racist tinged posts on May’s Facebook page, along with other posts that seem to indicate that he is obsessed with gays.

Now that he has won the primary and accomplished his goal of keeping Horrocks off the ticket, May isn’t even attempting to run a serious campaign.

His website’s front page consists only of his picture and his Twitter feed. The Twitter feed consists mostly of links to political cartoons and tweets sparring with, get this, the fake Twitter account @FakeRobFrost. He frequently accuses the fake Twitter account of…what else?…being gay.

This is a campaign for Congress?

There are no positions on issues, no events, no platform and no fundraisers.

His other major “issue” is “punishing” Lucas County for the turmoil in that county’s Republican Party (it is a mess). He is punishing them by…not campaigning there. Really? You aren’t a governor or a Senator, Richard. You’re a candidate from 2 hours away who’s going to lose in a landslide. He even counts down the days until his “return to Lucas County” every day on Facebook and Twitter. I’m sure they can’t wait.

Now, I strongly oppose redefining marriage to be anything other than one man and one woman. But I don’t hate gay people. If an openly gay candidate were sufficiently conservative enough, I would have no problem supporting him or her.

Richard May comes across as a hateful bigot. He re-enforces every false Democrat attack that all Republicans are that way. We aren’t.

This isn’t what we want to present to the nation as the face of the Republican Party.

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Third Base Politics is an Ohio-centric conservative blog that has been featured at Hot Air, National Review, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and others.


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