Today’s editorial about Ted Strickland’s behavior in the Columbus Dispatch is a must read. There isn’t much I can add to it. We’ve been highlighting Ted’s sore loser, hyper-partisan mentality ever since he was defeated in November.
I don’t remember Taft doing this to Strickland, or Bush to Obama, or Clinton to Bush, even. Pathetic.
You should read the whole thing, but here are a couple of highlights.
Sadly, former Gov. Ted Strickland has not taken that high road, instead choosing almost from the moment the November ballots were counted to try to torpedo his successor, Gov. John Kasich.
Last Thursday, Strickland made an appearance at a Statehouse rally against Ohio Senate Bill 5. Then he upped the ante by authoring an e-mail, distributed by the Ohio Democratic Party, urging supporters to join him at another rally at the Statehouse on Tuesday.
At both, he basked in the attention of union supporters.
The adulation is unsurprising, given how consistently Strickland’s policies as governor favored organized labor over the interests of all taxpayers. And that is one of the reasons he no longer occupies the governor’s mansion.
Instead of turning around Ohio as he promised, he kept it on a steady course toward a fiscal abyss, propping up the state budget with $8 billion in one-time money and doing nothing to prepare the state to stand without that artificial prop.
It is he who handed the new governor and legislature the present financial crisis, a crisis that is a major impetus for the drive to reform collective bargaining. And closing this budget shortfall is likely to require punishing cuts in state spending that will harm every Ohioan.
Gee. Sounds an awful lot like what we have been saying here at 3BP, doesn’t it?