Opponents of the reforms in Issue 2 blame busted local budgets on the way Governor Kasich handled the $8 billion deficit Ted Strickland left behind. In effect, government union bosses who thrive on a broken status quo insist the problem is too little spending. Like all leftists who decry spending cuts, union bosses want to raise our taxes.
For proof, consider Ohio school districts’ five-year forecasts from October 2010. Based on papered-over Strickland state figures – before Governor Kasich was even elected – districts projected major shortfalls by 2015. If we vote down Issue 2, how will local leaders cover these deficits? Layoffs, higher taxes, program cuts… choose any combination of the three.
Without Senate Bill 5, every resident of these Ohio school districts would have to pay between $1200 and $1500 in 2015 to cover the deficits forecast last fall:
Lakewood Local School District | $1,498 |
Princeton City School District | $1,383 |
Upper Scioto Valley Local School District | $1,376 |
Hudson City School District | $1,368 |
Avon Lake City School District | $1,345 |
St. Marys City School District | $1,333 |
Osnaburg Local School District | $1,314 |
Maple Heights City School District | $1,293 |
Berlin-Milan Local School District | $1,292 |
Nordonia Hills City School District | $1,283 |
Russia Local School District | $1,276 |
Huber Heights City School District | $1,273 |
Northmont City School District | $1,273 |
Valley View Local School District | $1,266 |
Bradford Exempted Village School District | $1,262 |
Southwest Licking Local School District | $1,260 |
Benton-Carroll-Salem Local School District | $1,251 |
Oakwood City School District | $1,249 |
North Olmsted City School District | $1,242 |
Medina City School District | $1,240 |
Beachwood City School District | $1,213 |
In 2010, more than 450 Ohio school districts forecast deficits amounting to more than $100 per resident by 2015. These 21 districts aren’t even the worst examples!
Unfortunately for Ohio union bosses, heated rhetoric won’t melt mathematical reality. With your Yes vote on Issue 2, you can make it easier for school districts throughout state to address deficits without raising taxes, reducing services, or firing teachers.
Get the facts behind the anti-reform smear campaign, check out county-by-county school district forecasts, and then vote Yes on Issue 2!
Follow me on Twitter: @jasonahart
Cross-posted from that hero.