The Ballot Board met yesterday and approved the wording for 2 important issues Ohio voters will decide at the polls this fall.
Issue 2 is the ballot measure on the crucial collective bargaining reform known as Senate Bill 5. We’ve covered SB5 closely, and there’s no question among 3BP contributors. Reform to Ohio’s collective bargaining laws is long overdue.
Since the public sector unions and their bought-and-paid-for lapdogs known as Ohio Democrats know they can’t debate the merits of the issue directly, they have resorted to a misleading campaign of scare tactics and the usual class warfare. Their rallying cry is that SB5 is an “attack on the middle class.” What a complete falsehood. The vast majority of the middle class are private sector employees, who are footing the bill for the ever increasing cost of government, due to unreasonable collective bargaining contracts.
You can learn the truth and dispel the myths of collective bargaining reform over at Building a Better Ohio. Follow them on Facebook and sign up for email updates.
Issue 3 is equally important to Ohioans, and one I personally was involved in. Last year, thousands upon thousands of ordinary people began circulating petitions for an amendment to the Ohio Constitution. The proposed amendment would state that NO government can compel any Ohioan to join a health system. It would make the Obamacare mandate illegal in Ohio.
This was a TRUE grassroots movement. The SB5 opponents claim that their petition drive was grassroots, but even they know inside that that is a total joke. Their drive was highly organized by public sector unions, using paid circulators. The Ohio Democratic Party also used their funds and resources as well. The campaign for the Ohio Healthcare Freedom amendment was 100% volunteer. We had no money. We didn’t have the luxury of millions of dollars in our coffers by forcing people to pay us, like the unions. We didn’t have a political party backing our efforts. Our collectors were standing up for freedom for ALL Ohioans, not doing so because it directly affected us as a privileged group, again, unlike the unions.
We did it, and the payoff will be this November, when we see the results of our sweat on Election Day, and Ohioans reject Obamacare and the overreach of the Democrats into controlling our lives.
It’s easy to remember how to vote. Think positive about Ohio’s future. Vote YES and YES on Issues 2 and 3. Vote YES for a better Ohio.