Yesterday, union front We Are Ohio released the first TV commercial of the Issue 2 campaign. Its message is simple – Senate Bill 5 is a plot to burn down your house. The folks at GOHP Blog responded with a YouTube video that folds some facts into the wildly dishonest union ad:
GOHP Blog touches on a central point of the Senate Bill 5 debate: government unions demonize fire chiefs and other public officials. We Are Ohio wants you to believe that, with union power slightly reduced, fire chiefs throughout Ohio will enact their devious plans to kill firefighters. Coming soon to a screen near you: school boards stealing teachers’ milk money! County auditors shackling clerks to their desks!
What’s the real problem for We Are Ohio? Government employees work for democratically elected officials, which doesn’t fit the union model. As surely as Wendy’s grills burgers and Ford builds trucks, unions are in the class warfare business – but in government, the people who pay the bills are the same ones who elect the bosses.
For the union sales pitch to work, the boss must be the enemy. Although the union smear campaign can’t come out and say it, you, cheapskate taxpayer, are what’s wrong with Ohio.
Government unions fight elected officials and their appointees, putting union bosses between taxpayers and the services we pay for. Don’t buy what We Are Ohio is selling – vote Yes on Issue 2!
Follow me on Twitter: @jasonahart
Cross-posted at that hero and Columbus Tea Party.